I CANNOT argue against the idea that our nation should have a memorial to those who were shot for cowardice in the First World War.

I find the Ministry of Defence's assertion that it cannot review the "justice", of each case without "new evidence" high-handed.

We now have comprehensive knowledge of the mental collapse total war can cause in our servicemen. Is it beyond Mr Blair, to recognise, that we the people, would now readily forgive those who broke, under the severest of trials?

And if society would now readily forgive, isn't that really all that is required for the Ministry of Defence to right a wrong, which is only going to get greater, as they stall, quibble, and dither over their rules and regulations?

Hasn't the truth about what those generals did, been concealed from people, for a great many years?

Isn't justice now being withheld, from those servicemen, because the Ministry of Defence behaved so deceitfully for so long?

N TAYLOR, Worcester