CHRISTIAN AID: The total collected during Christian Aid week was £635 - a record for the village. Thanks are due to David Ingles who co-ordinated the collection, to his willing band of collectors, and to all those who contributed.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: The June meeting was held in the Methodist church garden when future plans were discussed over tea. There will be no meetings in July and August, the next meeting being on September 4. All enquiries to Mrs Jane Hammond.

FETE: The children, parents and staff of Willersey Primary School will be holding a fete on the Willersey Recreation Ground on July 13 at 7.30pm. Proceeds will go towards the new library and IT Suite.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: The club ended its season's activities on June 13 when 58 members enjoyed a truly magnificent tea party with plenty of food provided and served by the committee and helpers. Several members volunteered, or were gently persuaded, to provide a most enjoyable entertainment. The club now 'rests' during the summer and will resume fortnightly meetings in September.