HISTORY SOCIETY: John Corbett, the salt king of Droitwich, was the subject of the most recent meeting of the Local History Society when the speaker was Barbara Midlemass who has written a book entitled 'John Corbett pillar of Salt' dealing with the fascinating life of this unusual man. John Corbett came from very humble beginnings but rose, through his own efforts, to wealth beyond imagining in his own lifetime. His marriage to a French woman brought him a large family and led him to name the grand house he built Chateau Impney. Mrs Middlemass's interest in her subject arose when she worked at the Chateau Impney as secretary to the owner. The more she discovered of John Corbett's life the more fascinated she became. The story of John Corbett's life told in masterly detail by Barbara Middlemass held the large audience spellbound and following the talk she answered questions from the audience. The July meeting of the Society will take the form of an outing to Harvington Hall, the subject of a talk last year, which excited everyone's interest. All seats on the coach are booked though anyone wishing to attend may make their own way to Harvington Hall by car.