Virginia Taylor is a former magistrate and international business communications specialist who is married with a daughter.

A. Farming is the soul of our county. If it is profitable and viable, tourism will benefit and new industry and business will invest.

If it is not, the future prosperity of Herefordshire will be at risk.

On a national level there needs to be a full and frank inquiry into the whole foot-and-mouth crisis which the Government so mishandled and a ban on substandard food imports should be implemented immediately.

Compensation and financial help is urgently needed for farmers and agricultural and tourist businesses.

Regulation and bureaucracy needs to be slashed. In Herefordshire itself I support local farmers' markets, developing Herefordshire as a quality brand for food products, cutting planning controls on redundant farm buildings to allow business diversification, and measures to encourage young farmers to stay in the industry, including affordable homes.

B. You can drive from Newport, in Wales, to Liverpool bypassing every major town.

But when you hit Hereford you are confronted with six sets of traffic lights and five roundabouts in one-and-a-half miles.

Pollution levels in the city are high and many small villages are used as rat runs.

What other great city has huge 40 tonne lorries passing within yards of an ancient and famous Cathedral? The frustration and inconvenience for local businesses and those living in Hereford are plain to see.

A relief road is vital for future jobs and for the prosperity of the whole county. In February this year, Conservative front-bench transport spokesman Bernard Jenkin said a full relief road for Hereford would be a Tory "top 10" road priority. I will be lobbying hard for a bypass although I am fully aware of the environmental problems of a new road.

I have no wish to see our beautiful countryside concreted over, but neither do I want to see this county stagnate.

C. The Conservatives have pledged to restore the number of police officers nationally, which will include Hereford.

I also support a radio network linking shops to one another and the police which has been very effective in Ross-on-Wye.

The second point is that drug-related crime, especially among the young, is very high in Herefordshire.

Therefore I would want to see improved education on the danger of drugs and more recreation facilities for young people.