WE in the Conservative Party are committed to a comprehensive National Health Service which is free to all its users.

Too many of us, unfortunately, experience a second-class system.

Here in Redditch, we have a first-class hospital in the Alexandra and I have spent many hours visiting and, indeed, my own family have been treated there.

The doctors and nurses are working under very difficult circumstances and do a fantastic job.

I have spent two shifts with the ambulance crews in Redditch and they also do a brilliant job under great pressure and, at times, dangerous conditions and I was delighted when the Shadow Health Secretary visited them and listened to their concerns.

I have listened to our GPs, who have also told us that they do not want any new upheaval in primary care and we will follow their advice.

We will give them the choice to operate in primary care trusts if that is what they think is right for themselves and their patients.

Labour are scaring the public by saying that we want to privatise the NHS but I want to finally say to the electorate in Redditch that isn't true.

We just want an NHS that once again can be an example to the world.