HAVING read We Say in this evening's edition of the Evening News (Friday, May 25) I feel that I must make a reply.

Yes, I understand that bid for Mike Foster's pledge of gardening services was a lark and in fairness, no one could have seen it coming.

Admittedly I have some sympathy for Mr Foster, but nevertheless, believe that he should have acted differently.

It is not very statesmanlike for someone in his position to storm out of a charity event just because he has been outwitted.

He should remember that he has brought misery to the lives of hundreds of thousands of rural dwellers when he should have been dealing with issues of importance to the constituents that he represents. None of those people will ever forgive him.

It was never anticipated that he would have weeded the flowerbeds, but to have planted a young tree would have been a pleasant gesture for the charity for which he had kindly put himself up for auction.

However, he fell for it hook, line and sinker. But after all, he is a fisherman! It is to be hoped that a compromise can be reached and he will undoubtedly receive a tremendous pleasure knowing that he is supporting Alison Fraser's campaign for Arthritis Research.

If Mr Foster had stayed within his boundaries as he said, none of us would have experienced the time wasted, the pain, and the tens of thousands of man hours lost through his actions and the citizens of Worcester would have had better value from their Member of Parliament.

TIM PINNEY, Pershore.