ISN'T it wonderful all the ideas that come forward to spend money not yet secured for our town of Ledbury. Reading the several reports in the paper, why not put all the ideas or suggestions together as a collective lot, then divide the cash if we get it, to start several worthwhile projects to get them off the ground. For instance:

1. The Bypass. Here a small donation to start what should be an Herefordshire Council roads and highways pigeon, not ours.

Council Offices. Number 1 and 3, Church Lane, refurbish them to an acceptable standard and convert back to the original use of the building, this will be useful for town folk and visitors and will preserve our town's history.

2. Cottage Hospital. Could be the new council offices, or for some other use but not further development.

3. Ledbury Park. An area labelled AONB, buy it for the town, landscape a little, then everyone can enjoy its beauty.

4. Football/Cricket Clubs. Again preserve our green areas. Let's keep them for sport and not for development of houses.

5. The Canal. Nice to see and use a canal, also the town relied on this in the past, again our history.

6. Work. Try to promote more firms or businesses to invest in our town, then this will hopefully create more jobs.

7. Youth. Talk to them, find out what they would like to see or use in town. A lot of us have forgotten we were young once, but in those days we found or made our own enjoyment. Today time and age have progressed. Whether we like it or not, we have to provide in a different way for the youth of today.

If you went around town and asked each person what they would do with the money, a lot of different ideas would come forward on what to spend it on. If and when we do secure the cash, let's do some damned good with it and not waste it on any single project.

Mr P L Bettington, Ledbury.