I was incensed when I read Mrs Barrie's letter (Post Bag, May 8).

I am one of the many people who walk and enjoy the splendour of our wonderful hills without the company of a dog. I would point out that reason dictates that a dog walker's attention cannot be 100 per cent on their superb surroundings if they are in proper control of their pets and are thus mindful of the distressing effect that unruly dog behaviour can have on their fellow human beings.

To be told that I can not visually enjoy the beauty of my surroundings as my eyes have to be permanently on the ground in order that I may avoid the filth of uncleared dog mess, beggars belief. Thank goodness that 99.99 per cent of dog walkers do show due consideration for their pets and fellow human beings.

Incidentally I am a pet and wildlife lover.

Colin Hall, Britten Drive, Malvern. (via e-mail)