IT'S time for the hard facts behind the new Link Top traffic signals.

Mr Horey's view from his house tells him that pedestrians at the crossing are scarce for long periods. No doubt they are. But I hope Mr Horey will appreciate that as responsible councillors we are guided by facts, not just individual impressions.

This section of road has had one of the worst accident records in the Malvern area. In the period 1997-1999 there were 14 injury-accidents in the Link Top area generally, and five at the Worcester Road-Newtown Road junction itself. In these five, no less than eight people were injured. Apart from personal suffering, injury-accidents mean costs to various authorities and ultimately to the public. These accidents are estimated at £335,000.

And they are the reported accidents alone. Experience suggests that there would be from seven to ten unreported accidents, plus vehicle-damage. Factors involved have been vehicles overtaking, failing to give way and turning across one another's paths.

After considering every possible remedy, councillors on the Highways Partnership Forum accepted and backed the officers' expert recommendation that traffic signals were the effective solution to the problem.

Our action has been welcomed by many of the pedestrians Mr Horey hasn't seen.

JEREMY WEBB, County Councillor, Malvern Trinity Electoral Division.