I WOULD like to put my views to the councillors as to what the £1 million cash injection recently promised by the Government to Ledbury and Bromyard should be spent on.

As this is given for the purpose of easing the economic impact of fott and mouth, I think it would be a good idea to repair some of the road surfaces around Ledbury, including the estate roads.

Where I live in Warren Drive, I do not remember a complete road surfacing for 35 years. The three roads on this estate have just been patched up again and again. In a few weeks these repairs are worse than ever, throwing stones and grit everywhere. The surface of the main Gloucester Road is not wonderful either.

The council's excuse for the state of the roads is that they have no money. Well, now they have, so I suggest they take a wander around Ledbury and see what these roads can do to vehicles both private and commercial.

Dulcie George, Warren Drive, Ledbury.