THROUGH the medium of your newspaper we would like to thank most sincerely all the good Samaritans who stopped to help four ladies involved in a car accident travelling from Ledbury to Ross on the Much Marcle road on Thursday May 17, at approximately 3.15pm.

The car involved was a red Alfa Romeo, which came off the road on a corner after heavy rain and landed on the roof. We were all returning to Wales from the Malvern Quilt Show and the kindness shown by all these generous people revived our faith in our fellow man.

The two young girls who first called for help, the mother and son who helped slow traffic and the others who lent their support. Also the rescue teams, ambulance, firemen and police all helped ease a stressful situation.

We all walked away with a few bruises but otherwise intact. Someone up there smiled on us on a wet Thursday.

With grateful thanks.

Margaret Tyler, Babs, Cherryll and Susie, Gwyn Drive, Caerphilly.