UPTON is gearing up to enter this year's Britain in Bloom competition with a splendid array of hanging baskets and floral displays.

The hanging baskets went up last week, accompanied by an appeal for volunteers to keep them watered and dead-headed.

"I would love to see any individuals or organisations who are willing to give up a little time each week," said the chairman of the Tourism and Trade Association, Neil Culley.

A co-ordinated effort would ensure a beautiful and blossoming Upton this summer, he said. His committee wants to know whether Upton people would tolerate "a minute increase" in the rates to support a continuous planting programme.

One area that could be on the agenda for future floral displays is the river bridge, as beautifying the bridge was top of the wish list at a meeting to discuss hopes and dreams for Upton.

"Perhaps it might be possible to have troughs of flowers along the top of the bridge in future years," said Mr Culley.