A VERY big thank you to all those who donated plants for the plant sale on May 13 and also to the helpers who gave up their Sunday afternoon to run the sale and the tables. The splendid sum of £240 was raised. The plants were a really great selection to choose from and there was lots of advice available.

On Sunday, June 3, there will be a service of Holy Communion at St Mary's Church, beginning at 11.15am. At the same time, Bridge Builders takes place in the vicarage.

In the evening, Outer Limits, the Benefice Church Youth Group, will be leading a youth service at St Gregory's Church, Castlemorton. There will be live music, dance, and dramatised reading. Refreshments will be served after the service. Please come and support our young people as they present the Christian gospel in their own style to other young people.

On Wednesday, June 6, bingo will be held in Longdon Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Lots of fun and one way you can help raise money for further village hall improvements. Everyone welcome.

On Saturday, June 9, Longdon fete will be held on the village field and in the village hall. It starts at 2.30pm and there will be games, raffles, books, skittles, tombola, plant stall, hoopla, cakes, white elephant and teas.

Through June and July, Longdon Leapfrogs are holding a silent auction of promises. If you have anything that you can offer to auction they would be most grateful to hear from you. Some ideas are babysitting, basket of ironing, car cleaning, grass cutting/weeding, cakes, planted flower pots, cinema tickets etc., For more information, please contact Anne Houghton on (01684) 833258.