PARISH COUNCIL: All members were present, district councillor Noyes attended.

Parish Councillors. Two people had applied to be co-opted onto the parish council, Adrian Bailey and Margaret Lewis.

Councillors agreed unanimously these applicants should be co-opted onto the council.

Declarations of acceptance were completed.

Planning. There were no new applications. Decisions had been received on previous applications.

Lee Crowder, a cheque has been banked and the clerk was asked to send a letter to Martin Lieberson thanking him for the excellent way this matter was brought to resolution.

Christine Rose. Parish councils contacted are not interested in a debrief meeting.

The chairman reported that accounts for this parish are available at meetings to prevent a recurrence of the previous situation.

Councillors agreed that a letter should be sent about the audit by KPMG in the years preceding the exposure and the clerk was asked to find out who Sid Pritchard wrote to and send a letter from Wickhamford expressing their concern.

Churchyard. Details of regulations were distributed and will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Parking. Nothing further has been heard regarding the area at the bottom of Pitchers Hill. The clerk was asked to chase this up.

A letter had been received from the EPHA saying that it was investigating the parking problems in Manor Close reported to the association and will contact the parish council later.

Bus shelter - Pitchers Hill. Only one quote has been received.

It was agreed Councillor Bailey will obtain an additional one and a grant is to be applied for.

Grass Cutting. The chairman reported that he thought the new contractor was not doing a good job, however, councillors did say that the last cut was better.

Councillor Bailey is to monitor the mowing.

Councillors also agreed to change the spec next year to alleviate the problem with mowing the daffodils until die back is complete.

The play area was not included in the mowing schedule.

Wychavon have confirmed that the parish council is responsible for mowing of the play area leased from them.

Discussion took place regarding the field leased to the sports club and the clerk is to clarify with the club and Wychavon terms of the tenancy and to write to the chairman of the club saying the parish council is reviewing responsibility for grass cutting.

Play Area: The report has been received from ROSPA.

An area was identified as needing a safety surface in the future.

A letter has been received from the Wickhamford Play Area Association which has dissolved and councillors discussed continuing the abandoned proposal initiated by the association to provide a room for village youth.

Jean Ford is to be asked for details of progress.

Skips: There had been a problem with items being left alongside the skip and an invoice for £92.83 has been received for clearing the debris.

Councillor Poulter suggested that the skip be provided on a weekday rather than a weekend. Councillor Smith proposed skips should be stopped.

A suggestion was made for the skips to be sited alongside the flats in Sandys Avenue but permission would be required.

Councillors unanimously agreed to try the skip on a weekday and if this proved unsatisfactory to cancel the provision of skips.

Sewage Pumping Station. Letters had been received from Wychavon and the County Council explaining the pumping station at Longdon Hill which confirms that as the pumping station is only to serve four properties in Manor Road the flow will be small.

This does not change the fact that discharge will be made to a sewer which is occasionally surcharged. See page 21.

Finance: A letter had been received PWLB explaining that the parish council are bound by Christine Rose's action.

However, if the parish council can confirm they had no benefit from the loan they would be prepared to accept an early repayment of the outstanding balance of principal at par, waiving the premium normally payable.

The clerk was asked to obtain details of the cost to repay this debt.