WEEKS of collecting evidence and information resulted in a series of dawn raids by police across Redditch on Thursday, writes Becky Procter.

A number of officers and a dog handler were drafted in to help carry out Operation Quash across the south west of the town.

The operation was aimed at persistent offenders suspected of a string of crimes, including assault and burglary.

Pc Max Voyce, of Redditch police, said: "Ten police officers and a dog handler came on duty at 7am on Thursday.

"We attended various addresses across the south west of Redditch. Eleven people were arrested throughout the day."

The suspects, all aged under 18, were targeted for 15 offences, including burglary, criminal damage, assault and breach of bail.

Pc Voyce said: "Interviews were carried out throughout the day, six people were charged and the others released on police bail to return at a later date."

Police are also now working with other agencies towards enforcing anti-social behaviour orders on offenders.

"We are in the process of sorting out anti-social behaviour orders and drawing up accepted behaviour contracts with the offenders," said Pc Voyce.

The raids were the first of their kind in the south west sector but Pc Voyce said more would follow.

They came the day after 35 officers and dog handlers carried out similar raids in Operation Hawk-Eye, which targeted house burglaries across Redditch.

It led to eight arrests for burglary and associated offences.

Six people were later charged and inquiries are ongoing.

Det Insp Steve Cullen, of Redditch police, who led the operation, said: "We've been doing a number of tactical things, including pro-active arrests and fast-track procedures for DNA and fingerprints to gain evidence.

"We are continuing to focus on house burglaries for the forthcoming weeks and we're closely monitoring other areas."