THE speaker at the Bromsgrove and Redditch Club May meeting was Mrs Jean Watson, senior co-ordinator of voluntary organisation Home-start, which is based in Redditch.

Home-start is an organisation in which volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to young families under stress in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis and breakdown.

Home-start is available for any family with at least one child under five.

The scheme was launched in 1973 and there are now over 200 schemes with more than 5,000 volunteers visiting families throughout the UK.

A Home-start volunteer will visit the family regularly in their own home and offer friendly support, understanding, reassurance, a listening ear, an extra pair of hands and confidentiality.

The service is complementary to Social Services, health visitors, community psychiatric nurses and GPs, who also refer families in need to Home-start.

Members were inspired to hear of the dedicated work of this worthwhile group and pleased that Mrs Jo Smith decided Home-start would be the president's charity this year.

The club held a charity auction and raised £1,700, which was presented to Mrs Watson.

Club members have been very busy this month, some went line- dancing with soroptimists from Worcester, Kidderminster and Stourbridge.

An extra meeting was held at Plymouth when Doug Richards spoke about 'The Toughest Road Race in the World'.

Some members will be taking part in the Race for Life at Sutton Park.