DISGRUNTLED residents have shunned a "fair" offer by Bromsgrove District Council to cut service charges set to be imposed because they claim dealings went on "behind closed doors"

At a press conference called by the authority last Wednesday council leader Nick Psirides announced controversial charges, set to range between £8.50 and £13 per week, had dropped to £6.

The charges are to be paid by sheltered housing tenants from July 1 to cover extras from wardens to a laundry service.

Currently they are covered in the rents of council house tenants but under Government legislation the charges have to be identified and separated by 2003.

Members of Bromsgrove District Tenants Association have battled against the proposals and can't believe the press were told about the changes before them.

Association vice-chairman Dennis Wheatley said: "This authority's promises last as long as snow in the desert.

"We were told a meeting would be arranged if any changes occurred but we weren't.

"Sheltered housing has now become the most expensive rented property in Bromsgrove and pensioners are being made to make up the shortfall of an authority which can't manage its finances.

"Once again I point out the government does not want to bring in these charges until 2003 and as yet only wants the council to identify them.

"The new figure is better but we don't want to see them introduced until they have to be."

Council leader Cllr Nick Psirides (Con, Norton) said: "We organised 26 visits from housing officers to sheltered complexes throughout the district to take on board tenants' concerns.

"At the end of the visits we compiled a report and addressed these needs.

"That is not dealing behind closed doors."