VILLAGERS are rallying round to help provide safe water for a drought-stricken overseas country.

The Rev Richard Harding, vicar at the Parish Church of Holy Trinity and St Mary, in Priory Road, Dodford, has urged residents to raise cash to fund a bore hole in Aiivu, in Uganda.

Mr Harding had recently visited the country twice this year to forge a link between Dodford and the Aiivu parish.

Unlike the rest of Uganda, which is green and fertile, Aiivu, situated 40 miles from the Sudanese border, is parched with just one contaminated river running through it.

The nearest safe water is three miles away from a bore hole and Teste fly - the carrier of sleeping sickness - affects many people.

A bore hole costs £5,000 and Mr Harding has pledged the church will match pound for pound what the village raises through events.

In this month's parish newsletter Mr Harding said: "Drought has become a major problem in a very poor part of a poor country.

"The work for the boreholes would be done using local labour and skills."

Events have already been earmarked in the parish diary.

They include a Uganda Fundraising Strawberry Tea on June 23 and a coffee morning is being organised for October.