WILL someone please give me an explanation as to why signs have been put up in Vines Park, Droitwich Spa, telling everyone that no fishing is allowed on the towpath and canal basin?

I am not an angler. I am just a pensioner who enjoys walking his dogs through the park each day, and last year I spent many hours watching these anglers enjoying their sport.

I have seen fathers with their children and whole families having a wonderful day's sport. I have never seen any of them do any damage or leave any mess.

It seems like some killjoy at Wychavon District Council has decided to stop any locals from enjoying themselves.

I suppose it's because the council is not making any money out of it.

If the council is that tight I am sure most of the anglers would not mind paying for a reasonable day permit, the same as the pool at The Herriots.

K Cooper,

Winslow Avenue,

Droitwich Spa.