FINAL preparations to ensure a £350,000 CCTV system goes on line in the town centre within the next two weeks are taking place, writes Becky Procter.

A total of 14 cameras have been installed at strategic points around the centre and will be monitored in a control room based in the town hall.

The cameras will be manned 24 hours a day by a number of staff who have undergone final intense training sessions this week.

Redditch Council's community safety officer, Tariq Khan, said: "Final preparations are taking place and final inspections are being carried out in relation to all the equipment."

The camera will have a direct link with Redditch police station and Mr Khan said staff at the Grove Street station had also undergone training.

Money for the CCTV system came after a successful bid to the Home Office by Redditch Community Safety Partnership, which includes the council and the police.

Mr Khan said: "The system will start off with 14 cameras and another two will be installed later this year around the site of the new bus station development."

A council spokesman added: "We are working for an early June switch-on and completing checks on all the technical equipment to have it up and running."

Earlier this year, a further bid to the Home Office to extend the CCTV scheme to areas across Redditch, including smaller shopping centres, was unsuccessful.