I QUOTE from Paul H Griffiths' recent letter "N Taylor's wildly inaccurate claim that we are about to be governed by a West Midlands Regional Assembly which we haven't voted for, amply demonstrates the need for informed rational debate on the subject of regional government."

Perhaps Mr Griffiths will explain why he writes to say we need "informed rational debate on the subject of regional government," if my claim about being governed by a West Midlands Regional Assembly was wildly inaccurate.

Like everything else about Europe, regional government is being created by stealth. Successive governments have had no mandate from the people to adopt European Law, or adopt a European Constitution, or form closer political, or economic ties, with the European mainland.

Nor have they been given a mandate to prepare for the adoption of the single currency which currently means converting hundreds of tons of our gold reserves into euros.

This was a democratic country. My father's generation fought all across the world to preserve the freedom we now take for granted. They fought for our National Parliament to be the supreme authority in our sovereign nation. That Parliament is answerable to we, the people, every five years. That is what makes the vote so powerful.

We, the people can change any government we no longer support. That right, for which our fathers died, and countless generations of fathers have died for, in the course of our long history, is about to be given away by a New Labour government with an even more massive majority.

