MANY charities have been supported by the Worcestershire Hunt over the years, including the County Air Ambulance.

Following the announcement by the Government that no money was available to assist the Maggs Day Centre raise their £30,000 shortfall last year, despite spending £600,000 on the Burns Report and then ignoring it, members of the hunt gave their support to raise some of the money that would, and did, enable the centre to remain open.

We are very pleased to be able to assist Alison Fraser in her quest to raise money and public awareness for the Arthritis Research Campaign by obtaining the services of Mike Foster for three hours' gardening (Page 1, Evening News, May 24).

During the last four years, the instances of homelessness, drug abuse and deaths, crisis in the National Health Service and at our Accident and Emergency Department at Ronkswood Hospital, in education and the unfair distribution of monies for many agencies in the city and county have been numerous.

These should have been given priority, not only by Mr Foster, but the Government as well, not the banning of hunting with thousands of people losing their jobs and homes.

No doubt the £1.1m received from the Political Animal Lobby "helped" them to this decision. Many called it a bribe.

Mr Foster is now being assisted in his choice of future work, as it is to be hoped that at the coming General Election, the good but disappointed folk of Worcester will pass judgement on the last four wasted years of missed opportunity.


Worcestershire Hunt Spokesman.