REDDITCH Nightstop's latest fund-raising mission may turn out to be the town's biggest ever tea party.

The charity, which helps find emergency accommodation for homeless youngsters aged between 16 and 25, is looking for people to act as hosts at an afternoon or morning tea party.

The host would invite five friends for tea, who would each pay £1 for the privilege, which would then be forwarded to Nightstop.

In turn, the friends would each invite five friends for tea, who would also pay £1 and invite five more friends for tea.

Nightstop will provide each participant with a checklist explaining how it works and the first 100 people who sign up will be provided with tea bags to get them started.

This new venture follows a successful fashion show recently held at Mappleborough Green Village Hall.

For more details and an information pack, call Redditch Nightstop on 66036.