I DO not normally write letters to newspapers but I felt I had to on this occasion to let other parents of three-year-old children starting school in September know what they are missing out on because they live in Redditch.

My son attends a playgroup in Winyates, which I have to pay for.

My friend has a child the same age who goes to one in Mappleborough Green and, as from Easter, has had five sessions a week funded by the Government.

I made enquiries about this and was told by the children's information service that because my friend's group comes under Warwickshire County Council, this was right and that funding was available there and every child in Birmingham has a funded place also.

But as I come under Worcestershire County Council, they only have funding for 1,000 children and unless I am referred by a health visitor or my child has special needs, I would get nothing.

This is just another example of how education in Redditch is under-funded and something has to change quickly.

As a parent of three children I am very angry and I assume every parent in Redditch feels the same.

Denise Sparkes

Goodrich Close

Winyates East