THE town's traders' group is back in business with bags of new ideas.

A questionnaire sent to Droitwich Spa Association for Retail, Tourism and Services (DARTS) members proved there is demand for the organisation.

The departure of the group's chairman and vice-chairman left members without direction and for months no meetings or events were held.

But DARTS secretary Clive Davies is keen to see the group up and running and he has planned an annual meeting on Tuesday June 26.

Earlier this year, questionnaires were sent to shopkeepers asking for new ideas. Traders called for three main areas of activity.

They want the group to act as a central information point for the business community; to support development of commerce, and attract more visitors and trade.

It is unlikely members will organise regular community events in the future.

Mr Davies said: "Wychavon District Council now employs the town centre manager, Lew Hammond, who has better resources than us for organising and promoting events.

"DARTS will be a group supporting business. We will have regular meetings, ideal for networking, and I hope to attract speakers to discuss business related topics."

Elections for positions on the executive committee and for chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer will be held at the AGM, at the Raven Hotel, in St Andrew's Street, Droitwich.

Mr Davies, of Clive Davies Horticultural Services, added: "DARTS can only be as good as its members."We need creative people to join."