THOSE members of the public who often walk through or around the grounds of the Manor Park Trust will have noticed the archery field by the railway line underwent some substantial renovation work in recent months. After a very wet winter, we are lucky that it is in a condition where we can actually use the entire length of the field for shooting.

However, there are still areas of the field that are bare of grass, despite two attempts at seeding. If the grass seed is not given an opportunity to grow, these areas will eventually turn into patches of mud, which will inconvenience both the archery club and pedestrians. The largest area affected in this way is at the bottom of the driveway that leads onto the field.

Malvern Archers would like to ask members of the public to do their best to avoid walking on the parts of the field that do not have a good covering of grass. Hopefully, the alternately wet and sunny weather will help the seed germinate very quickly, restoring the field to its former condition in a matter of weeks.

JOHN KEARNEY, Malvern Archers, Albert Road North, Malvern.