I read with interest the article in the Malvern Gazette of May 11 about children skateboarding on Como Road. The other day, I saw some young boys doing just that and I was very impressed with their expertise. They certainly weren't misbehaving, just having fun. It looked like such fun, in fact, that I would have liked to join them. Sadly, I have no skateboard.

When you think about it, Como Road is perfect for skateboarding and if Victoria and Albert roads were treated to some traffic-calming features, there is no reason in the world why the children shouldn't continue to skateboard down it.

While talking about this with a friend, I was reminded that, in the dim distant past before the car became king, there were designated Play Streets and passing motorists were obliged to drive with extreme care and let the children have right of way.

Perhaps a couple of sleeping policemen either side of Como Road on Victoria Road and Albert Road North, together with signs saying something like Children Have Right of Way and having the whole area designated a 5mph zone would do the trick. I am sure the benefits would be felt by both children and those who reside in the area, for who wouldn't prefer to hear children having fun than traffic roaring by?

Alison Pickford, Malvern Link