Peter Dyke has lived in the ward for the past 20 years.

He has been a Wyre Forest district councillor since 1998.

He is married to Councillor Helen Dyke. They have two children, Lindsey and Alex. Peter is a governor of a local first school.

Peter has chaired the Modernisation Task Force on Wyre Forest District Council and is again this year the chairman of the planning enforcement committee.

He has consistently voted against the plans for the incinerator on the Stourport Road.

He has voted and campaigned for the return of accident and emergency services at Kidderminster Hospital.

Peter is currently tackling the issue of the litter and associated problems around the Spennells shop area.

Peter wants to see more money spent on education and improvements to the roads and highways budget.

The county council needs to be top of the league tables in these areas, not bottom, he says.