THE results of a scheme to promote the work of artists at local schools went on show this week.

The Art at Work project allows businesses in Malvern to pay for the framing or hire of students' work which they can display for six or 12-month periods.

Several local businesses are involved including Automated Packaging Systems, Elgar Housing, English Braids, Advantage Chemicals, Malvern Instruments, Malvern Science Park and Malvern Hills District Council.

The scheme, organised by The Chase, is designed to enhance business industry links with schools, add value to the educational experience and opportunities of art students and to further the reputation of businesses within their communities.

Students get free framing of their work and a chance to sell it in exhibition. Businesses gain artwork that brightens up the working environment and also demonstrates their commitment to the local area.

Around 50 pieces of work from students at The Chase, Dyson Perrins CE High School and Hanley Castle High School will be displayed at Malvern Library Gallery, in an exhibition that began on Wednesday (May 9) and will run until Saturday, May 26.