MEETINGS for the last three months were as follows. September: Lorna Carlisle told us about her experience in action in the Second World War as a nurse, and about her visit to Buckingham Palace.

October: A member of the County Air Ambulance service gave us an informative talk with slides.

November: At the AGM, with help from Greta Mitchell, our Women's Institute advisor, the committee agreed to stand again with Dorothy Hughes as president.

We have a good and varied programme arranged for 2001, starting with our annual dinner on January 16 at Bromsgrove Golf Centre.

December: Dorothy Hughes welcomed members of other institutes to Finstall WI's Christmas party. Mabel Cartwright was congratulated on being the winner of the annual competition.

The evening's entertainment was provided by Eunice Rhymes, of Honeybourne. Members were enthralled by her dexterity on the piano. She played honky-tonk Christmas carols, and members joined in a sing-a-long of old songs. Mrs Rhymes was thanked by Mrs Hughes. The evening ended with a reading of a Christmas poem by Mrs Cartwright. The next monthly meeting is in February.