I WAS pleased to read Richard and Cherry Sprackling's appropriate letter about the possible redevelopment of the former treasurer's site by the district council. The issues they raise will be addressed and argued about as part of a planning application.

Can I make some points:

1. I have said, and I continue to maintain, that before that site is used the issue of parking, including parking for district council employees, must be sorted out. There is not enough at present and if the staff car park adjoining the Splash were to be lost to a sports hall development it would make the situation even worse.

2. The policy of parking charges in off-street car parks encourages parking in residential roads, often to the annoyance of local frontagers. This is a financial issue due to MHDC wishing to maximise its income. A half-empty car park still produces income.

3. I would have wished part of the site to be used for a medical surgery. There isn't one at present in Great Malvern, where there is a high percentage of elderly people. If a nearby one moves further away, it will make the situation worse. It is all very well building houses on every piece of land but some land is needed for infrastructure and services as well.

4. MHDC is controlled by some of the Conservatives and some of the Independents in a group modelled on the former Rural Group. I am not a member of that group and it was my own words that your letter quoted. I am pleased to confirm that I stand by them but cannot speak for other councillors.

COUN ROGER HALL-JONES, Priory Ward, MHDC & Malvern Town Council, Abbey Road, Malvern.