THE owner of a Redditch taxi firm, who quit driving following a terrifying robbery, has spoken of his relief after his attacker was sent to a young offender's institute for four years, writes Becky Procter.

Mohammed Asfar was robbed of his takings on September 28 when he was threatened with a stick and pushed into bushes by two attackers.

Father-of-six Mr Asfar, of Other Road, Smallwood, said:"I have been driving since 1982 but, after the robbery, I had to give up.

"I sold my car because I was too frightened to go and pick anyone up."

Mr Asfar runs a taxi firm in Lodge Road, Smallwood, but said the remaining drivers have expressed fear when going out to pick up fares.

Mr Asfar said: "I own a taxi firm and, for two or three months after I was attacked, if I asked anyone to go out to pick up they would say they did not want to go because of what happened to me.

"They thought it could happen to anyone."

The 42-year-old added: "It has got better now and I do go out sometimes but prefer not to drive after what happened." "I always think about it if I am out."

On March 5, Steven William Court, 19, of Wishaw Close, Greenlands, Redditch, was convicted of robbery at Worcester Crown Court.

Inspector Neil Billingham, of Redditch police, said: "This type of offence, although not committed very often, is extremely nasty and will not be tolerated.

"A custodial sentence of this length reinforces that view and will hopefully act as a deterrent in the future."

Court was the first offender Redditch police had seen through new crown court 'fast tracking' procedures to deal with cases in weeks rather than months.