WITH regard to Robin King's letter (Advertiser March 14). You can tell he is a typical Labour party member - if something goes wrong first blame anybody to try to deflect criticism from the party.

If that does not work, put out the spin and try to confuse some people.

Let's talk about the facts, like the fact Labour have controlled the borough council for more than 17 years. Council house rents have increased by more than 15 per cent in the last three years alone.

The county council is also run by Labour, with the help of Lib Dems, and has been for the last eight years, something else that they do not like to talk about when there is an election near.

We have had large increases in the council tax over the years.

The national Government has been run by the Labour party for the past four years and what has happened?

We have had 45 stealth taxes, which they hoped nobody would notice since they came into power, the latest one being an extra £10 on every new pair of spectacles, which no-one seems to want to talk about.

Councillor Brandon Clayton

Matchborough Ward

Cheswick Close

Winyates Green