A MAN suffered blast injuries in a shed explosion near Martley.

Firefighters only discovered the injured victim after putting out the blaze which followed the blast, at around 6.30pm.

The incident happened in a brick-built shed near a cottage a mile from the village, on the B4197.

Crews insisted the man went to Ronkswood Hospital, where he was later discharged.

A build-up of paint and paraffin vapours in the shed is being blamed for the explosion, which demolished one of its walls.

Fire chiefs are warning people to make sure paint pot lids and similar substances are securely sealed when they are stored in premises.

"The man was extremely lucky," said Alex Mackie, spokesman for Hereford & Worcester Fire Brigade.

"If he'd been inside at the time, it could have been a lot worse.

Terrific force

"There was some sort of explosion, which must have been quite a terrific force, because the wall it demolished was doubled-sided and the bricks were scattered around.

"It wasn't until we put out the fire that we realised the owner had been injured and must have taken some of the blast.

"We suspect there might have been a short-circuit which, combined with the build-up of vapours, caused an explosion."