WORCESTERSHIRE County Cricket Club will have a new face on their committee as from October 1.

Ian Pugh, a Worcester solicitor, keen member of the New Road club, and a stalwart administrator of the former Worcester City Cricket Club, has been elected to serve for three years as from the beginning of October.

Of the six committee members who were due to retire by rota, only three, Ken Mills, Peter Radburn and Muriel Tinsley, were eligible for re-election.

Norman Whiting and Mike Jones now have to retire, under the age 70 retirement rule, and Ken Rone has decided not to seek re-election.

With the County Club mid-way through the process of reducing the size of its committee from 18 to 12, four candidates are elected each year. When nominations closed on August 1 four nominations had been received, those of the three retiring members eligible for re-election plus Ian Pugh.

Worcestershire' Secretary, Mike Vockins, explained: "As there were four vacancies to be contested and only four candidates a ballot was not required this year and so Ken Mills, Peter Radburn and Muriel Tinsley are re-elected and Ian Pugh joins the committee.

"In the past it was always felt that there were very few changes in the County committee, some would say too few changes, so a new race and new blood is welcome.

"It will be good to welcome Ian to the committee, but it is right that we recognise the very considerable contribution made by Mike Jones, Norman Whiting, and Ken Rone.

"All three are vice- presidents of the club so their link with the County will be retained in this way."