HEAVY blizzards are on their way with wind-chill temperatures reaching a bitter minus four degrees, Evening News weatherman Paul Damari is warning.

People across the two counties are being advised to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary as the first official day of spring is expected to bring six to eight inches of snow, rather than rain.

"Cold easterly winds from the Atlantic are producing weather fronts predicted to bring heavy snow to the Midlands and Wales," Mr Damari said. "This is not unusual for this time of year, but we haven't seen it for a long time."

Mr Damari said chilly winds of Force 4 up to Gale Force 8 were expected with the snowfall, bringing a high risk of drifting which could be particularly bad in rural areas.

"The snow will start this afternoon, continuing through the night and into tomorrow," he said. "It will be bitterly cold with wind chill temperatures of minus 4.

"We're advising people to stay in unless essential as visibility will be almost zero - and strong winds and heavy snow go hand in hand with power failure."

He predicts that tomorrow's thaw will be accompanied by more rain and the threat of more flooding across the county.

"The problem will be exacerbated as one foot of snow turns into one inch of rain," he said.