I SPENT the whole of my working life in the banking profession being employed by one of "The Big Five" which were all powerful and exceedingly well-run institutions.

They provided a first class service to all their customers, and at the same time mindful of the welfare of their dedicated employers.

It was a "feather in one's cap" to work in a bank in those far off days.

As a junior clerk I was taught that every credit had a debit. The same principle applies in life where there are winners and losers.

At the present time there is no doubt in my mind, that everyone of us is losing out with the shower in power at present occupying the Palace of Westminster.

We shall all soon have a wonderful opportunity to remove this blot on the landscape. After last week's budget announcements it may seem like jam today, but what about tomorrow?

The main benefactor will surely be the Tax Inspector and the loser will be the poor old voter. I hope people will stop to think before they go to the polling stations in May.


