BETTER facilities for Upton, from new toilets to a BMX track, were top of the wish list in a survey.

Seventy-five people responded to the Planning for Real exercise, giving a "useful snapshot" of local opinion.

Children from Upton CE Primary painted a large map of the town, which was displayed at a fete organised by Queensmead Residents' Association last September.

People were invited to comment on issues ranging from complaints about dog mess and vandalism, to requests for children's play areas and a mobile library van.

Some were deemed impractical or unfundable but others might be taken up by the town or district council, says a report prepared by Karen Humphries, former parish maps officer for the Community Council.

New toilets for boaters, lorry drivers and tourists, with improvements to the ones in Lower High Street and Hanley Road, were seen as a priority.

Dog mess was judged a problem and there were suggestions for poop scoop bins and owner education. More litter bins are also wanted and a community clean-up day was suggested.

A quarter of the responses related to crime and safety, including speeding traffic, drugs, dumping of cars, noisy neighbours and illegal parking. A ban on heavy lorries in the town centre, more police foot patrols, Neighbourhood Watch schemes and lock-up garages on estates were suggested.

n A similar consultation exercise will take place in Ripple on Wednesday (March 21), from 4pm to 8.30pm, in the parish hall.