VISITORS to Stratford will no longer get the chance to admire the work of talented local artist Anthony Parkes this summer.

The popular 52-year-old from Broad Walk, who regularly sold his prints in Bancroft Gardens, took his own life last September.

An inquest into his death at Leamington Town Hall revealed a latter life of missed opportunities. Mr Parkes had a relationship with an American airline steward, who wanted him to go to America, but he turned her down and the friendship broke up.

Mr Parkes' friend Michael Leedham, from West Street in Stratford, said in a statement: "AJ (as he was known) could have used his talents to make more money, but he lacked the motivation." Instead two years ago he signed a copyright agreement with the Inland Revenue for his work on his death in return for payment of £5,000. Mr Leedham added: "He was a gregarious man who spent most evenings drinking with his friends in the Falcon Hotel in Stratford. When I last saw him he was in good form."

Mr Parkes' landlord Guy Bellchambers said he was a very likeable character, but he drank heavily.

"He lived in the flat for about 20 years, but at the end he had problems." Mr Bellchambers said that he believed that it wasn't the first time that Mr Parkes had attempted to take his own life.

The police found him on September 24 suspended by an electric cable from a French gallery in his flat. They had been alerted by his American friend who feared for Mr Parkes' safety after messages on his phone were left unanswered.

South Warwickshire coroner Michael Coker record a verdict of suicide.