PARISH COUNCIL: Report of meeting held on January 22: Planning Application: W00/1661 Mr K Halligan and L Cardus was pending further information. W00/1733/PP and 1734LB Mrs A Rice for demolition of existing garage and construction of new detached pair of garages and new cottage Laburnam Cottage, Upper Street, was being circulated for comments. W01/00017 Environment Agency West Midlands for removal of existing gauge house and construction of new gauge house and cable way to measure high flows of Bow Brook Besford bridge also circulating for comments. There had been no decisions received since the last meeting. Ivory Plant Hire continued to be pursued by the agencies and currently had 43 actions against it brought by the Environment Agency. The parish council were pursuing the retention of the 7.5 tonne weight restriction on the road from Pershore to Besford Bridge. The state of Harpley Road was the cause for concern over the temporary nature of the road reinstatement whilst the protracted negotiations for lateral connections was being implemented. However the first laterals had been installed and it was hopeful that proper reinstatement of the highway would be started in the near future. Meanwhile the clerk would write to the contractors listing the concerns and repairs required. It was likely that the first dog bin would be provided by Wychavon District Council as soon as the sewerage work was complete and be sited in the village hall car park. Millennium Green matters were still progressing and a planning application would be submitted as the next stage. Similarly the clerk was making progress on the proposal to construct a memorial to those who lost their lives whilst stationed at RAF Defford. The new Easy Link Bus Service 382 provided an excellent frequent and regular service to Worcester although it still appeared to be relatively under used. Perhaps more people should try the experience and leave the car at home for a change. Sadly parked vehicles in Harpley Road made it extremely difficult at times for the bus to pass and No Waiting restrictions were still being sought for this narrow section of road down to Crown Lane, as appeals to park sensibly and preferably off road were being ignored. Roads featured prominently in other areas. Firstly the A4104 through Woodmancote was being requested for a reduced speed limit possibly 50 mph and all those who supported this request should write directly to Worcestershire Highways at Wychavon Civic Centre addressed to Mr Geoff Cox. Meanwhile the state of Ladywood Road at Besford caused the utmost concern as the surface from lorry traffic at Besford Court had caused extensive damage. Regretfully Andrew Wall had tendered his resignation as parish councillor and this therefore caused a vacancy both on the council itself and as minor local authority governor at Defford cum Besford First School. Those expressing an interest in either vacancy should contact the clerk or any councillor.