OUTWARD BOUND ASSOCIATION AGM: There was good news for the future from chairman, Mr Tom Cutler, in his annual report. Because of the healthy state of the funds, 80% of the costs for an Outward Bound course can now be met by the association. Already three youngsters have booked for 2001 and there may be others. However, no complacency is anticipated, and some 15 new members are needed for the 200 Club to continue to support the scheme, as well as pay out prizes. The highlight of the meeting was the report given by Douglas Cook who last year attended a three week course at Loch Eil. He talked reassuringly of the practicalities of his course, including the ease of train travel, the excellence of the food, the laundry facilities and the high quality of the equipment made available by OB. He stressed that safety precautions taken by the instructor at all times and praised the back up given by the local mountain rescue team. Douglas spoke of the best and the worst of his trip. As far as the best was concerned, his sense of personal achievement, particularly in the planning of the expedition up Ben Nevis and its success in bringing everyone back unscathed to base. The worst aspect was the amount of litter they found on Ben Nevis, and the number of people there, particularly people unsuitably dressed and shod for such an environment. The subject of future publicity for OB in Bredon was discussed, and Douglas suggested both a website and a poster campaign. Meanwhile, the committee urges any young person, male or female, who wishes to find out more about courses available this year or in the future to phone Tom Cutler on 772486, or any member of the committee for details.

AUSTERITY LUNCHES: Don't forget the Lent lunches around the Hill. Tomorrow (Friday) will see soup and cheese baps at True Blue Farm, Kingham, the home of Mr and Mrs J A D Hall, and March 9 at Church Cottage, Bricklehampton, home of Mr and Mrs M Ashe. These are always sociable and enjoyable occasions, and far from austere.

COBALT UNIT APPEAL FUND: The thriving Bredon support group for the Cobalt Unit Appeal Fund is holding a meeting in the Church Rooms on March 15 at 7.30pm. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the future of the group. Anyone who is interested in helping with the re-making or selling the Cobalt Appeal Fund greetings cards will be very welcome. Please telephone 773161 for information.

BREDON MARKET: The next will be on March 10, 10am to noon. There will be plants, books, cards, bakery and many other interesting and tasty items for sale.

JUMBLE SALE: March 17 sees a sale in aid of the Mystique Twirlers in Bredon Village Hall at 2pm. They are trying to raise money to enable them to take part in the NBTA European Championships. If you have items for the sale, telephone 772451 or 773476.

THE CHILDREN'S SOCIETY: If you would like to support this very worthwhile charity by having a collection box in your house for your spare change, then please telephone 773549.

PARISH COUNCIL: Several councillors turned up for Brian Lewis' litter pick on the Bredon's Norton road out of Bredon last Saturday morning. There was no difficulty finding enough bottles, cans and wrappers to fill several black bags. We did not get as far as Bredon's Norton. Perhaps they might arrange a pick up from their end of the parish.