FLOWERS which have been grown by a Wyre Forest family for 200 years will feature in a new TV series. Michael Ecob puts his feet up in his garden.

Astley Cross gardener Michael Ecob will talk about plants in his garden, including clusters of white bells first grown by his great-great-grandmother, in BBC2's Curious Gardeners.

It is presented by Gordon Taylor and Guy Cooper who travelled around England in a 1964 Alvis tourer, looking for horticultural highlights.

One of the best known creations of the former herb farmers is a Moorish garden in Berkshire for Sir Elton John.

Their interest in Mr Ecob's garden was aroused by his plants, many of which have been swapped and given over the years, and his method of growing vegetables for shows.

Mr Ecob, who worked for Fisons for 35 years as an agricultural adviser, now runs a garden design service and is president of Stourport Horticultural Society.

He said: "I enjoyed taking part in the show which is different to many of the 'instant garden' programmes on offer at the moment. Gordon and Guy were interested in many plants, particularly my vegetable patch."

His garden was one of 40 visited by Curious Gardeners in England, mainly through the National Gardens Scheme.

The programme can be seen on Friday, March 16, at 8pm and the garden is open to the public on May 27.