MORE money is to be ploughed into tightening speed restrictions in the Bidford area next year, says Warwickshire County Council.

County councillor Brian Slaughter told Bidford parish councillors at their meeting on Monday that next year's budget - due to be announced tomorrow (Friday) - would supply extra funds for road markings and traffic calming schemes.

Last November, the parish council wrote to the county council saying they were unhappy that the B439 through the village between Marriage Hill and Tower Hill had a 40mph speed limit.

They explained that the built-up residential area, often busy with people coming to and from houses, the supermarket and the nearby school, should have a 30mph limit.

Main roads in Bidford have now undergone a series of changes to make them safer.

Restrictions in the form of traffic humps have now been brought in along Waterloo Road, although coun Slaughter said the scheme was about two weeks away from completion.

There was some debate from members of the parish council as to whether the traffic humps were big enough, but coun Slaughter said they should not be made so big as to wake residents up when cars drove over them.

He said the next priority was to get road markings at either end of the village, at Tower Hill and Marriage Hill, so that drivers coming into the village from either Evesham or Stratford would be warned to slow down.

Road markings are also under consideration for Broom and Wixford, and hopefully will be implemented next year with the substantial increase in money to be spent on transport and planning.

He added: "I also think Marlcliff should have traffic calming. I have asked for the chevrons to be replaced as they have been knocked down so many times."