I AM amazed at the attitude of some Bewdley residents and traders towards the proposed traffic-calming measures in the Wyre Hill area.

What price do they put on the death or injury to any of our children?

Do they not realise that we have one of the worst child accident rates in Europe?

In 1999, 3,423 people were killed on Britain's roads, about half of them being pedestrians and cyclists, no doubt many of these being children.

The figure of £230,000 seems a small price to pay to improve the safety of children, and adults, in that area.

Additionally there could be a second benefit. I read recently that one in four of our children are overweight or obese, so it may be that having the extra safety measures in place could encourage more children to walk or cycle.

These traffic-calming measures could, therefore, be beneficial on the grounds of both safety and health.


Meadow Hill Close Kidderminster