The report in your issue of 8th February on plans for a New Town Hall in Pershore provided a stimulating and useful topic of conversation around the town. Thank you, the better the input the better the project. May I now bring you right up to date?

Firstly the projected cost of the venture is now, not £500,000 but £700,000. Secondly and more importantly, when Town Council met on Thursday the clearly expressed view of members was that while fully supportive of the project, they did not and would not, support any proposals that might lead to something as Daft as the Dome, an over priced and under used edifice.

A small working group has been formed to study current plans, their short and long term financial implications and to ensure Best Value from the sale of properties.

It will meet urgently and frequently and make regular reports to Council.

I am proud to be a member of Pershore Town Council it is a joy to see that when faced with important decisions a body of people, joined together only by will of the electorate, can and do pull together to work in the best interests of The Town.

Ken Chambers.

Independent Town Councillor for Pershore, St. Andrews.