Romanza by Andrea Bocelli

IT is a truth universally acknowledged that a soloist in possession of a powerful voice must be in want of a recording contract.

This is not a "classical" recording in the usual Classic CD sense think rather the Three Tenors, Charlotte Church or at a pinch, Dame Kiri sings "pop". It's classical artists having a bit of fun, doing their chart stuff.

The CD sleeve tells you precisely nothing about Andrea Bocelli or his life. So here are a few things I've gathered from looking and listening.

Fact 1: Andrea is a boy (Andrew in Italian of course. And of course, he's Italian). He has a beard.

Fact 2: Andrea likes posing with flowers and mobile phones and HARDLY ever looks straight at the camera because that's NOT ROMANTIC.

Fact 3: When he sings lower notes, Andrea has a touch of Sting about him.

Fact 4: Andrea sounds nothing like Charlotte Church. Andrea may feel this is a good thing.

Anyway, fascinating though his beard is, it is after all Andrea who does the singing.

Again, these are not classical songs in the grand tradition, this is modern Italian romaticism with songs titled along the lines of Con Te Partiro (I'll go with you), or Vivo Per Lei (I Live for Her - incidentally, my Italian teacher Dante would tell you Lei is very polite).

Fact 5: Andrea is very polite.

Admittedly, track six is called War Machines, but hasn't there always been something romantic about war? You may all think this sounds very flippant, but I'm not entirely sure what market Andrea is going for here.

While Caruso (track five) sounds as though it would be at home echoing out of a nightspot on the Neopolitan Rivera, Vivere - featuring Gerardina Trovato - is surely Italy's 2001 Song for Europe? If it's not maybe they might consider it.

Technically he's all there of course, because at heart he's a classical performer. But be warned, there are DRUM MACHINES on this recording.

If what you're looking for is a modern Italian mezzo-crooner who feels at home duetting with Sarah Brightman (on the hit single Time To Say Goodbye, then give it a whirl.

If you're looking for Caruso, then it really is time to say goodbye.

Philips 456 456-2