THE February Meeting was special. Missing were president Elizabeth Ostroumoff, who was in South Africa on motor racing business, and vice-president Valerie Pickering, who was in Scotland overseeing the birth of a new grandchild.

So it was IPP Barbara Melley who welcomed district chairman Rae Ogden, who lit the Candle of Friendship to welcome a new club, Zrenjaniv in Siberia.

If anyone locally knows anything about Zrenjaniv, the club would like to hear from them.

Rae then inducted Pat Witherspoon into the club. Pat's husband has recently joined Redditch Rotary.

It was reported the gardening talk had been successful, 60 members and friends enjoying supper and raising £248 for the charity account.

Members offer suggestions in May each year as to which charities should receive the funds.

Ida Parkinson has offered to hold a bangers and mash evening in March to enhance the fund.

Officers were announced for 2001/2002, both for our the club and district.

The Mayor and Mayoress will be attending the Fellowship on March 6. The Mayor would bring civic greetings to the 80 plus delegates from clubs in District 6.

Rae concluded the business for the evening by speaking on the merits of Inner Wheel and the Fellowship and friendship it brought to all of its members.

She mentioned the satisfaction of taking office at all levels, thereby acknowledging one's ability to help in serving the aims of the worldwide organisation wherever help is needed.

Her parting words were: "This is the year of the volunteer - not only for IW but for all charitable organisations."