IN February, there was an open meeting with representatives of various village organisations and Feckenham WI.

President Elaine Hodgkinson welcomed both visitors and regulars and said how encouraged she was to see so many present.

The speaker for the evening was Mrs Joyce Bush, a member of the Mothers Union. She spoke on 'A Cow for Ankole'.

Joyce started by giving an insight into how and why the project came about.

She showed slides as she talked about her journey to the heart of the African bush to a village in the Diocese of Ankole in Uganda.

She told of the excitement of the village women as they got their own cow, which then went on to have a calf. It enables them to get a greater quantity of milk for their families and they believe a miracle happened and that their prayers were answered.

Tixie and Pat led social time with a game of Call my Bluff.

The raffle winners were Maureen, Daphne, Pam, Sheila K, and Carol.