THE club held its AGM on January 6 at the Greig Hall.

Chairman Joy Clarke gave her report for the year and said that after an active and successful year, the club had been able to donate £200 to the Acorn Children's Hospice.

After 10 years, Joy is standing down as chairman and, by invitation of members, has agreed to be president following the death of former president Vi Adcock.

New chairman Marian Buchanan thanked Joy for her commitment and service to the club.

Members enjoyed a talk on hellibores by Ursula Key-Davis from Fibrex Nurseries.

At the February meeting, members were entertained by club secretary Margaret Escott, who showed slides of the Chester Cathedral Flower Festival which some members and friends visited last September.

The slides renewed memories of this magnificent festival and were much enjoyed, together with other beautiful flower slides that Margaret showed.

At the next meeting on March 5, area demonstrator Dora Mack's title for her flower designs is Pastiche".