YOUR headlines 'Council may face auditors' take over' sent me spinning into a state of deja vu

A couple of years ago Bromsgrove Tories got themselves into a right old pickle. The leader of the council was dumped less than a week after their election win, there was news of financial irregularities in the local branch and the sudden departure of the chairman.

All this led to the final humiliation of the local Conservative association being administered from Tory HQ.

Recent news of the departure of Bromsgrove District Council's chief executive and other senior officers set alarm bills ringing.

The appearance of independent finance experts KPMG at a recent finance committee meeting to deliver a damning report on the council's performance jogs the memory.

The possibility of KPMG stepping into the places of chief officers and councillors and taking control of the council is beginning to look very familiar.

Sean Shannon,

Shaw Lane,

Stoke Prior,
